“Sigil Prep really changed my outlook. Until I started barbarian school, I was even-tempered, barely ever raised my voice. Who knew being angry was so beneficial?”
                                –Brody “Krusk” Kruskowski, senior Barbarian student

The Barbarian department is designed for students who are looking for the brute force solution to adventuring. Bash it and smash it, let the rest of the party worry about the puzzles and traps. During the course of this program, you will learn to channel your aggression into amazing acts of violence, as well as learning to get as good as you give.

Barbarism is not for the weak at heart, nor is it particularly for the weak at biceps. You won’t have a lot of reading and essays to worry about, but you’re going to be doing some heavy lifting. And heavy hitting. Generally, expect things to be heavy.

Very few of your mandatory courses require textbooks, so you have that going for you. Meanwhile, you will probably spend more time in the infirmary than your peers in other departments.

Students in the barbarian department are offered several majors determining exactly how you’ll shape your rage, and to what effect. All barbarian students are required to take the following courses:


RAGE 101: Tapping into your emotional reserves to bring out impressive displays of might and feats of violence. Some students may elect to channel determination or confidence or some other emotion in place of raw rage, but just know this will make your professor very angry.
Faculty: Anvil; Emily Skimble

UNARMORED DEFENSE 108: Learn to be tougher with your shirt off than with your armor on. Passing this course will require being struck in the chest with a Warhammer without flinching.
Faculty: Trunkus Breakwater

RECKLESS ATTACK 113: Throwing caution to the wind, you will be able to strike with increased ferocity, although you’ll also be an easy target.
Faculty: Anvil

DANGER SENSE 121: Learning to be aware of your environment, even when you aren’t aware of your environment.
Faculty: Da’Voral Tethkan

Major requirements

one basic elective


EXTRA ATTACK 313: As you train, you will learn to strike more efficiently and more often.
Faculty: Emily Skimble

FAST MOVEMENT 305: Advanced training in running swiftly.
Faculty: Emily Skimble

FERAL INSTINCT 431: In this course, you will learn to ignore surprise or hesitation and attack within the first sign of trouble. With instinct, you understand. We’re teaching you instinct.
Faculty: Da’Voral Tethkan

Major requirements

one basic elective


BRUTAL CRITICAL 505: Learning to strike with terrific ferocity, doing more damage than some puny fighter doing the same thing.
Faculty: Grognard the Gatekeeper

RELENTLESS RAGE 611: In this course, you will be taught to continue fighting well after you should be dead. Cleric students will be on hand during all practical sessions.
Faculty: Banfel Many-Arrows

Major requirements

one basic elective


BRUTAL CRITICAL 706: As with Junior year Brutality, but more so.
Faculty: Grognard the Gatekeeper

PERSISTANT RAGE 810: When somebody tells you to calm down, you do not calm down!
Faculty: Banfel Many-Arrows

Major requirements

one basic elective


BRUTAL CRITICAL 930: Brutality for the truly brutal.
Faculty: Holga Kilgore

INDOMITABLE MIGHT 906: Learning to use your physical strength at peak efficiency. Doing presses without a spotter.
Faculty: Red Sonja; Wulfgar


PRIMAL CHAMPION 1003: Peak efficiency? Bah! In this course, you will exceed peak efficiency and become stronger than possible.
Faculty: Red Sonja; Wulfgar

One basic elective